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    Introduction to the

Chief Executive Officer


Stuart is the founder and CEO of Force Air Defence and has a wealth of experience. His skills have been developed over more than 40 years and stem from a genuine passion for martial arts where he holds the rank of 4th Dan and the desire to promote safety and confidence in others. His practical knowledge has been built up from his training in the British Army - including training with Special Forces after leaving the Army, Close Protection – including Body Guard experience and Security, Boxing, Ju-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Wing Chun, KSCKM, FAST to name a few. In addition to the practical defence knowledge, Stuart has also studied the psychological side of defence to help assist people who have suffered at the hands of others and help them to take back control of their feelings or dismiss fears.

joy whitelaw

    Introduction to the

  Operations Manager

Joy has a caring and positive personality with a professional work ethic.  Her working experiences show consistent drive and success, with the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.  She has a unique ability to focus on challenges and reach positive conclusions and is able to handle difficult situations in a thoughtful yet direct manner, demonstrating perception to the needs of others.  Her approach to work is organised and methodical and is evident across all business aspects including report writing, planning, customer care and financial matters.

Joy is club manager for Force Self Defence and oversees the effective running of the 3 clubs in Kent.  She will ensure the smooth running of the Force Air Defence back-office operations and will guarantee that every Force Air Defence Trainer is provided with the necessary support to enable them to deliver the ideal customer experience and will help the Force Air Defence Scheme to evolve.

kathleen reid

    Introduction to the

Chief Operating Officer

Kathleen has worked in the energy industry for over 30 years and with the entrance to the aviation industry she has drawn many parallels between the two sector.  She notes the complexity and constant change within both industries provides continual challenges and delivers ongoing rewards that drive her on to the next focus point.  Kathleen recognises, that at the heart of the successful organisations operating in these areas, the value laid on customer facing and customer servicing teams is of utmost importance.  With this in mind she is keen to assist companies wishing to invest in the safety and well being of their staff and by so doing she will help these companies deliver a safer space for their employees and customers.  Using transferable project management skills Kathleen has ensured that the concept of Force Air Defence Training Scheme has been set up as a successful, effective and evolving option available to the aviation industry. 


Force Air Defence 

Force Air Defence trainers are qualified to a very high standard. Trainers are carefully selected. We are privileged to have trainers from various backgrounds :-

The Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, Police, Special operations, Royal Marines, Close Protection, Martial Arts Instructors and Sport Coaches.  

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